"Eric Ries (!!!) - The Lean Startup: a Disciplined Approach..."に参加してきました

昨日はVoterMediaのみんなとThe Vancouver Ruby/Rails/Merb MeetupEric Ries (!!!) - The Lean Startup: a Disciplined Approach...に参加してきました♪


Speaker Bio:
Eric Ries is the author of the blog Lessons Learned. He was the co-founder and served as Chief Technology Officer of IMVU, his third startup. He is the co-author of several books including The Black Art of Java Game Programming (Waite Group Press, 1996). In 2007, BusinessWeek named Ries one of the Best Young Entrepreneurs of Tech. He serves on the advisory board of a number of technology startups including pbWiki, Smule, 750i and KaChing.





VoterMedia Update

相変わらず自分はLearning Railsを片手にRailsを勉強中。
最近はRailsのプロとして活躍するGreg Morenoも加わって、徐々にペース上げてきました。

See Also:
The Lean Startup: a Disciplined Approach to Imagining, Designing, and Building New Products
The Lean Startup Talk From Web 2.0 Expo - O'Reilly Radar