The Internet as a platform for collective action

"We have historically overestimated the value of access to information and underestimated the value of access to one another," said Shirky. He found two elements of the survey surprising, in terms of what they mean for the "death" of two common themes that have surrounded much of the contemporary discussion of Internet and society:

  1. The idea of online vs. off-line, and that there's a "place" called cyberspace. Shirky cited the statistic that "75 percent of people who report using the Internet did not find those groups using the Internet" for evidence, with respect to the crossover or integration between our virtual and material lives.
  2. Given that society is now extending real world groups to online tools in a widespread way, it dismantles idea of geek culture online.

Keen highlighted the statistic that 68 percent of Americans say they use the Internet to communicate with members of a group. "No longer is this divide between online and offline," he said. "The Internet itself is reality ― and even that term is slippery." The Internet itself is the digital revolution, in his words, with the next revolutions to come perhaps predicated upon this digital platform.

The role of the Internet as a platform for collective action grows - O'Reilly Radar

過去5年10年で世界はThe Internet Technologyによって大きく変わった。
現在進行形で行われている"The Digital Revolution"はこの先今以上のスピードで、そして今以上に影響力を持って世界を変えてゆくと確信している。

人々がインターネット上で集い情報を共有し、アクションを起こす。インターネットを通じてCreate, Find, Follow, Support, Collaborate, Engage, Participate, Share, Actといったアクションがより早くEfficientにOpenに出来るようなった。

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