Creative Capitalismとは

最近一番興味のある話題として"Creative Capitalism"というtermを取り上げたい。



Creative Capitalismとは??

This isn’t about changing capitalism
Creative capitalism is an effort to get more companies involved in work that reduces inequity.

Businesses can seek more effective ways to use existing market incentives―such as profit or recognition―to reduce inequities and serve the poor.

ここでのキーワードは"profit" and "recognition"
NGOのようにnon-profitとして活動するのではなく、実際に企業側にも利益が出る形を生み出し、market incentivesによって拡大していくシステム作りが必要。

Profitとして考えらる一つの例は、Bottom of the Pyramid(最低レベルの生活水準にいる人)をターゲットとしたビジネス。

今読んでいるThe Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits (Wharton School Publishing Paperbacks)という本には、具体的にどのようにBottom of the Pyramidでビジネスしていくかといった事が詳細に書かれている。


Tapping profitable but previously unrecognized markets that serve the poor:
businesses sometimes fail to innovate appropriately for the specific needs of these markets.

資本主義によるmarket incentivesによってビジネスチャンスのある場にはもう既にビジネスが始まっているはずといった意見もあるけど、発展途上国のような情報が入手しずらい場所にはまだまだ未開拓なビジネスチャンスが眠っているはず。


Supporting a social cause. By supporting a social cause, a business can enhance its reputation for “good works” and/or differentiate its product (e.g., ‘fair trade’ coffee), thereby gaining certain customers and employees. An example is the (RED) campaign, where companies like Gap, Hallmark, and Dell sell (RED)-branded products and donate a portion of their profits to fight AIDS.


• A scientist with knowledge that could benefit the poor may find it more effective to channel her altruism through her business rather than by working alone or writing a check.

• A consumer who wants to support farmers in the developing world might find that buying fair trade products is the best way to use her resources to support that goal.

こういったcompetitive advantageは長期的にみて企業側にとっても大きな利益になる。

it asks businesses to consider whether there are ways in which they can serve the poor efficiently and effectively while also serving their own interests.
Creative capitalism is about pushing the boundary of innovation and asking all of these actors – businesses, governments, nonprofits, and philanthropies – to experiment more boldly and more deliberately, with the hope of unlocking new potential for capitalism to bring people out of poverty.


developed countriesはそういった経済の基盤を作る援助の仕方を考えるべき。
例えば、google.orgのように、現地のentrepreneursに投資する事によって自らの足で立ち上がる助けをしたり、developed countriesのbusiness know-howやtechnologiesを持ち込むことによって新たなイノベーションが起きたりと。

人々の善性を信じ、「良い人々がより良く振る舞えるようにする環境」を整え、「Wall Streetが興奮する」するようなビジネスモデルを作らなければいけない。

ウェブ時代 5つの定理―この言葉が未来を切り開く!から引用

I really think it's important to just focus on what the environment needs to look like to encourage the good people to behave even better and to mitigate and minimize the effects of the negative people. - Pierre Omidyar


That means there has to be an economic incentive to attract investment, and the way to do that is simple: Make it interesting to Wall Street. New businesses happen when Wall Street gets excited about a new techonology or market. The oil industry spends hundreds of billions on R&D every year. To find a replacement, the solution is pretty simple: Investors have to put up the same level of capital. - Vinod Khosla


The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits (Wharton School Publishing Paperbacks)を理解するまで読んだり、Creative Capitalismというタームに敏感に反応する事によって、理解を深めていきたい。