Inside Steve's Brain

Inside Steve's Brain

Inside Steve's Brain

Inside Steve's Brainは今まで読んできた梅田さんの本やシリコンバレーに関する本にあるいくつもの特徴やヒントを振り返るような本だった。
Steve Jobsの恐ろしく強い個性と、Perfectionism,全てのlittle detailsまで目を光らせ完璧なものを創る姿勢や、世界を変えるというパッションをまじまじと感じることが出来る。


We're gonna offer you a better experience...
and it's only gonna cost you a dollar a song.

これはiTunesのonline music storeを紹介する時にJobsが言った言葉。
違法のフリーダウンロードを規制するのではなく、それよりも優れたuser experienceを提供する事によって、問題を解決しようというwin-win solutionは見事。

[Jobs] always believed that the most important decisions you make are not the things that you do, but the things you decide not to do.


Users can't tell you what they want. you have to watch them to discover that they want.


A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them


Jobs tries to find the best people in a given field and put them on the payroll.

Apple retail storeのオープンを2001年に計画した時、

the first thing he did, the very first thing, was find the best person in retail to advise him.

Jobs is quick to get rid of those who don't measure up. Hiring only insanely great employees and firing the bozos has been one of Jobs's longest held managerial principles.


Jobs is the "product picker"


By definition, a startup must succeed on its first product.


Picking products doesn't work by committee - there has to be an individual who is able to act as a decision maker.


It's OK to be an asshole, as long as you're passionate about it.

そして、極めつけはthe president of PepsiCoのJohn Sculleyをヘッドハンティングする時にいったこの言葉

"Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to change the world?"

世界中からベストの人間を獲得するまでアプローチし続ける、Apple retail storeは街の最高のロケーションに立てる、最高の材料と技術を使った商品、失敗に失敗を重ね生み出すヒット商品、準備に準備を重ねるJobsのプレゼンテーション。。。



Steve Jobsは彼に出来るベストを、達成するまでとことんやる男