


The Spending Challenge is your chance to help shape the way government works. We need to reduce the deficit by cutting public spending in a way that is fair and responsible - and you can help.

We’ve had an overwhelming response to the Spending Challenge. Over the past month, you’ve submitted more than 44,000 ideas via this website. Now we’re asking you to help rate the ideas we’ve received.

Healthcare.gov grows out of a requirement passed as part of the recently-passed health bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The site features a searchable compendium of health care insurance options, public and private, ranging from any applicable private plans to children's coverage (CHIP), Medicare, Medicaid, and high-risk pools. So far as HHS knows, this is the first web site combining public and private options from across the country.

via The potential of Healthcare.gov - O'Reilly Radar

OpenPlans is a non-profit technology organization focused on civic engagement and open government. We use journalism and open source software to turn data into accessible, useful information. This work engages the average person in shaping their community.

Open311 is a form of technology that provides open channels of communication for issues that concern public space and public services. Primarily, Open311 refers to a standardized technology for location-based collaborative issue-tracking. By offering free web API access to an existing 311 service, Open311 is an evolution of the phone-based 311 systems that many cities in North America offer.

fixcity.org is about taking small steps to fix your city. Our first endeavor, FixCity:Bike Racks, is a social mapping application designed to "crowdsource" community and government collaboration in the gathering, planning, and implementing new bike racks.



Books to read:
What's Mine is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

Internet Architecture and Innovation (MIT Press)

Internet Architecture and Innovation (MIT Press)

The Mesh: Why the Future of Business Is Sharing

The Mesh: Why the Future of Business Is Sharing


My Bookmarks: